Social Media Profile Pictures
Rebranded Logo
Pride Week Social Media Logo
Social Media Cover Photos
Social Media Cover Photo - The Xav Review (The Xaverian Weekly's Art & Poetry Section)
Students' Union Debate Event Cover Photo
Print Media
Branded Sticker
Graphic Designer Hiring
Students' Union Election debate hosted by The Xaverian Weekly
Newspaper Covers
When designing a cover I attempt to allow it to tell a story in itself, the cover is after all the front and centre piece of the paper. Without a strong, engaging cover you run the risk of having your paper being left in the stands.
An issue completely filled with content regarding Indigenous issues, we felt that it was important to convey strong cultural identity and emotion, while retaining ambiguity. Pictured are the faces of 4 Indigenous women attending StFX, whose strong, proud expression jumps right off of the page. Of 1000 printed copies, roughly 20 remain in the XW archive, it flew off the shelves.
An annual issue of the Xaverian Weekly, this year's Pride Issue came about at a time of great global uncertainty. U.S. President Donald Trump's executive orders had directly affected the freedom of minorities across the globe, and a terrorist attack in Quebec had just taken the lives of 6 praying Muslim fathers. In designing this cover I tried to convey the deep solemn emotion felt in Canada and around the world, and the enduring hope that remains in the face of darkness.
Subtly following the theme of my U.S. Election Night design for the Golden X Inn, I used this cover as a platform to reach out to apathetic students. Pictured are the two candidates for President of the StFX Students' Union, behind them quotes from two debates held prior to print, and the Students' Union colours.
Immediately following the U.S. Election I felt a strong sense of confusion, pain, and an overall sombre mood around campus. In light of all that seemed to go wrong, there still seemed to be hope that Canada could be a shining light in a world of darkness.
The X-Ring is said to be the third most recognized ring in the world behind the Papal ring and the Superbowl ring. Ask anyone with one and by the end of the conversation you'll have surely made a new friend. The text on the cover is made up of X-Ring engravings from the Class of 2017. I'm the camera at the bottom.
The building pictured is Nicholson Tower at StFX, arguably one of the more predominate features of campus and Antigonish itself. Beginning in May 2017, construction will begin on the new Mulroney Institute for Government. While the tower will remain, the new building gives StFX a chance to reorganize the centre of campus, improving accessibility, green space, and pedestrian routes.
In May 2016 I led a project to redesign and rebuild The Xaverian Weekly's website using Squarespace. Click here to take a look!